Prayer Board

We would be honored to include you and your loved ones in our prayers. Please use this form to send us a request. Our staff and volunteers will be praying for you!

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Asking for prayer, for the Lord to continue to bless me and keep me on the right track. I ask for prayer that I'm guided and helped led to the right path that will help me get a place so that my kids can come home, and also a place I can bring my newborn baby home. I've been fighting a battle of recovery and giving my sobriety all I have trying to change and be a better mother for my children. I was forced to move out of my apartment due to a bad environment, and lost everything. I'm asking for everyone who reads this to please help me speak this prayer request into existence, not only for me but for my babies. Thank you in advance.

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Out of the blue something told me to call the Hope house to help find my brother find sober shelter. So I did and I just want to Praise God for answering our prayers and ask that you pray everything goes as God has planned and he finally gets the opportunity he’s needed and so desired for so long to become a self sufficient man that can stand proud of himself before God while praising him for this blessing!
Thank you and God bless you alll!

1 Person Has Prayed
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Been living in hotels for over 2 years I'm disabled on ssi an can't afford a place for me an my kids I get 943 a month how can ANYONE live on that ALL MONTH I'm fight jfs for me food stamps back so I can make sure my kids eat daily idc if I eat or not I just want my kids to be able to eat n sleep safely in OUR OWN PLACE. . Thanks so much

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